
Poundbury Ladies welcome you to their website!

We are a very friendly group of ladies. Since starting the Poundbury Ladies group in November 2000, we meet at Poundbury’s Brownsword Hall every month, except the holiday month of August. We currently have around seventy members and keep growing!

At our very first meeting we decided we wanted to run a flexible and enjoyable social monthly meeting, encouraging friendship and a caring attitude amongst us. We also decided that we wanted the group to be non-political and would invite guests and guest speakers who did not have anything to promote commercially – this has remained integral to our philosophy.

The club is run without officialdom, though we have found it necessary as our membership has grown to appoint our own committee of hard-working ladies who deal with the organisation of events, trips, speakers and funds. Here they are … from left to right: Eleanor Halse, Janet Ranger-Dennis, Barbara Noble, Suzanne Christophers, Val Hellin and Hilary Fecher-Roberts.